All of our courses take place on our website.
To access your courses:
If you aren't signed in to FutureLearn...
- Sign in to the site
- you will be taken to your Your Learning page
- click 'go to course' on the course you'd like to access
If you are already signed in to FutureLearn...
- click on your profile picture in the top right hand corner of any page near the search box (if you haven't uploaded a profile picture, your default profile picture will be your initials in a coloured box)
[Image description: the image shows the search box and next to it the notification bell. To the right it's the profile icon with the initials]
- select Your Learning
- click on the course you'd like to go to.
[Image description: the image shows the "Your Learning" section listing the type of courses as Programs, ExpertTracks, Courses, Wishlist, Recommendations, Achievement]
Thanks for the adequate instruction provided
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