This is a general guide to solving problems with video or audio hosted on FutureLearn.
If you have no sound, please check this article.
If you're having trouble playing videos or audio on FutureLearn because the video or audio player isn't working or appearing on the page, the following steps should resolve the issue:
Clear cache and cookies
Clear your browser's cache and cookies. Instructions on how to do so for various browsers can be found here.
Disable Add-ons and extensions
Try disabling all browser extensions, add-ons, etc. Certain extensions can interfere with your browser’s regular performance and most online material will not have been tested with your specific extension in mind.
Enable JavaScript
Users without javascript will only see a blank space where the video or audio player should be. To confirm that javascript is enabled, visit
This will show your current browser setup. If javascript is disabled you can enable it in your browser settings menu.
Update your browser
Ensure you’re using a browser supported by FutureLearn. Try updating your browser to the latest version. Alternatively try another browser. Whilst this isn’t a solution, check to see whether the problem is specific to one particular browser.
Known issues
- Videos hosted externally on YouTube may not work properly on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. We're working to fix the issue, but in the meantime please try viewing the step on Safari or Microsoft Edge if you can access either of those browsers.
- We have a known issue affecting users on iOS 10 - you may need to press the play button twice to start the video.
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