When you don’t have an account and you click to join a course in a course listings page or description page, you’ll see a page like this:
[Image descriptor: the FutureLearn sign in page, displaying fields for first name, last name, age, email address and password above a pink 'Register' button, and options to register using Facebook or Google.]
You can also get to this page by clicking on the pink Sign in button on the top right corner of the site:
[Image descriptor: the pink 'Sign in' button at the top right of the main futurelearn.com page.]
To register, click on the word Register in pink text (to the right of the heading that says Sign in):
[Image descriptor: The 'Register' option on the sign in page, highlighted with a blue arrow.]
You’ll then see a page that looks very similar, but contains text boxes for you to fill in your name and email address, select your age, choose a password, and tell us how what sort of emails you’d like to receive from us.
Do I have to register using Facebook?
We offer Facebook sign-in to make things simpler for people who use Facebook, but if you don’t want to then you can just register with your email address.
If you sign in with Facebook, your FutureLearn account will be registered to the email address you use with Facebook. Please make sure this is an email address you have access to - otherwise you won't be able to reset your password or make changes to your account.
If you don’t sign in with Facebook but you want to, you can link your Facebook account to your profile from your account settings later on, as long as the email address you’ve registered with is the address you use with Facebook.
Do I have to register using Google?
We offer Google sign-in to make things simpler for people who use Google, but if you don’t want to then you can just register with your email address.
If you sign in with Google, your FutureLearn account will be registered to the email address you use with Google.
If you don’t sign in with Google but you want to, you can link your Google account to your profile from your account settings later on, as long as the email address you’ve registered with is the address you use with Google.
Why do you ask for my age?
You need to be at least 16 years old to use the site by yourself, so we need to know you’re over 16. If you’re between 16 and 18 years old, we will need to send additional information about keeping yourself safe online. That’s it!
For more information on what data we collect and how we use it, read our Privacy Policy.
What do I do now I've joined?
Now you've joined the site, it's the perfect time to set up your profile and join your first course!
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